Welcome To WaxSEO

We are a Kent SEO company based in Whitstable, here to help you achieve the SEO goals that you aimed for when that germ of an idea for a website was first planted. If those dreams have not materialised and you are beginning to pull your hair out in frustration, fear not, it can be done! I believe SEO targets are best understood with a face to face meeting, getting to know you the client, your website, what you want it to do and explaining how it will be possible. Don’t worry about being bombarded with technical jargon that will leave you either dumbfounded or asleep, every process of your Kent SEO strategy will be conveyed in a fully comprehensible manner, with the scary stuff completed in the background. Whether you simply need a blog added and maintained for your website (If you haven’t got one – YOU NEED IT!), a paid search adverising campaign to immediately generate traffic or you’re starting from scratch and want the best SEO website practices installed from its launch, WaxSEO will deliver.
Oh, and if you were wondering why we are called WaxSEO…